
Coaxial RG59 with power (100M) cable


Coaxial RG59 with power(100M) cable



Coaxial RG59 with power (100M) cable

Shop for Coaxial RG59 with power (100M) cable in Nairobi, Kenya at Starmount Solutions astel dealers.

The RG-59 Coax cable is the professional’s choice for CCTV cameras. It provides both video and power by combining the RG-59 Coax with the 18/2 power, for a single cable pull. It also save time and money as it allows installers to run both the video and power to security cameras using a single cable run. It’s suitable for both basic analogue TV antenna feeds and AHD CCTV systems. This cable is convenient because it has both power and video cable wrapped in a single jacket so you don’t have to run two separate cables.



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